Thursday, April 15, 2010


Don't you just love it when you discover a cute little indulgence that makes you all 'commercial smiles' and warm know the kind of discovery no one else seems to be aware of...everyone is so oblivious to this new phenomenum! That phenomenum being 'Dilmah english toffee and peppermint tea! Oh geez, my tastebuds are having a pretty epic orgy, its pretty rad...I'm sipping as I type.
Well........I was off to a great start on Monday...and then somehow my 'beginning of the week/fresh start' enthusiastic state of euphoria' all came to a dramatic grinding halt, when I landed myself in hospital with a not so hospitable pair of medical staff.

Something is not quite right in the pit of my being (some gastro-intestinal issue yet to be diagnosed) Oh the pain. Good god. I was sure I was about to give birth to octuplet baby hippos. This seemed even more plausible following the first round of phentenol (morphine equivalent). I came home on wednesday with a severe case of post narcotic inebriation, the crutch of my pants torn (a so called dispute with the ambo guys)...and a packet of enemas.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Today for the first time in a very long time, I felt human. Perhaps I was simply distracted - my mind was not swamped with the usual white noise that accompanies this recent state of impending doom. I was too busy purchasing a violin, oh and playing nintendo with kyle...and eating malt balls and cooking mushroom soup. It's nice to just 'do things'

Friday, April 9, 2010

Some kind of wonderful...

Lately I've not being feeling my age, but rather quite beyond my years...and no, not wise. I feel old, antiquated,...half dead, so to speak. I just haven't felt very lively. So I have spent the afternoon reflecting, contemplating what it is that makes me feel a little more 'cognizant'...and I really believe it is important to not only have a 'purpose' or long term life goal, but many little ones - daily goals...or some kind of wonderful new and exciting project for each new day!

Today: I shall write a song (perhaps even a ballad!) and record it! To make this project an even more interesting process I shall consume copious amounts of goon. I'm excited.